Friday, January 2, 2009

2009- A Resolution

As the new year descends upon us, many have written about what happened over the past 365 days, and I think that a worthy pursuit. I used to do just that, but 2008 doesn’t seem particularly worthy of reflection. I don’t know if it is my age, or a situational oddity exclusive to this particular new year. In a year of war, recession, and year that saw more than a few lose all that they had and more than a few of those few lose their hopes, their dreams and their very future, my trivial advances and good fortune don’t seem well placed here.

Instead, I simply want to wish each of you a belated happy new year. I hope you will join me in a resolution, a promise to ourselves to do better. Do not let the enemies of procrastination, despair and cynicism defeat that solemn promise to ourselves to do better. Do not bog down in the banality of trivia, allow hatred and greed to cloud our vision of a better us. Let us all make a decision to offer a helping hand to those in need and never to be shy about asking for that helping hand if we need it. Let us win this game of life with a happy heart and shake the hands of our adversary with a smile on our faces. Lets conduct ourselves as ladies and gentlemen, not because our parents taught us to do it that way, but because it is the right thing to do. Let us take better care of ourselves, because even if we hate who we are, somebody out there loves us and would be irrevocably broken if we weren’t around. Let us live each day thankful that we have this day to live and let us be mindful that nobody gets out of life alive. Let us be as quick to love and praise as we are to hate and criticize. Let us play the game instead of sitting idle on the sidelines. Let us do rather than be. Let us not be a country of nay-sayers awash in a sea of hope.

I believe that America’s best days are still ahead of us. We the people, you and I, are the only ones who can make America what we want it to be, but we have to do it together. So join me this 2009, stand shoulder to shoulder with me and pick up the weapon of your choice be it a gun, a pen, a song book, a law book, the Constitution, the Bible or the Koran and lets march forward behind a new President. Lets get better! Lets DO better! That my friends, will make 2009 a year worth remembering.

Take care, be well and do good work.


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