Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Love, Lies and Audiotape

In a few perfunctory moments you will be treated to an adventure of the history of sound. You will be reminded of how music used to be, before everyone took it so seriously. There are still songs like this around, but they are condemned to the fringe of the scene by people whose tongue can't reach their cheek. Before we begin, you'll want to find your boogie shoes, they are somewhere between your athletic shoes and your clogs.. we'll wait patiently for you.......

Alright, are you back? Good.. Now turn up the volume of your computer, unless you are at work, then listen at a reasonable volume. I promise that this is a real song. Now turn off your inhibitions and any sense of political correctness that you've ever had...You'll probably notice that there is no video, this is normal! This will allow you to close your eyes and savor this wonderful auditory experience.. OK, now press play!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you music the way it used to be. The way it should be! Should any of you follow the advice of this song, my number is in the book, and I give free consultations.

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