Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Conversation today...

AS: Are you Jason?

Me: Yep.

AS: I've heard of you, you represented ******* ******* right?

Me: Yep.

AS: Yeah, I saw you on TV after that, how did you get him off?

Me: If I told you, I'd have to kill you.

AS: *Laughing* Are you taking on new clients?

Me: Sure

AS: I'd like to hire you for my jury trial in June.

Me: Why do you think you need me instead of the lawyer you have now?

AS: Because you win.

Despite my unassuming personality, there are times like these when I internally celebrate what KJ and I have created. Yes, we are that good, yes we win, ALOT and we do it through hard work and talent. It is a seldom thing that we stop. If you are a prosecutor, proceed with caution and if you are police officer, be very afraid. She and I will find a way to beat you. Run scared you bastards! We are your worst nightmare. In short, we win.

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