Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I've heard alot of things I've thought noteworthy over the past few days. Its more interesting to simply list them tonight. I am too wired for linear logic..

"Save Bandit!!"
-The Office

"Airports are like stuck up malls."

"Liberace called, he wants his shirt back"
-Me to my officemate (Ok I stole that one, but its still funny and the shirt was especially bad)

"You've left a lot of possibilities open"
-My officemate in response to my telling him not to do anything I wouldn't do.

"I am very picky about the consistency of my oatmeal"

"Naked women are the new crack!"
-A fellow lawyer (Amen brother)

"Britney Spears was a lot hotter when she was crazy"

"I don't dance, it looks like an ostrich vomiting"

"Enjoy your geek adventure"
-Karla to me when I told her I was going outside to look at the space station.

Yes I know, I live and work in a locker room full of juvenile delinquents, but don't we all.


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