Its car time around here again. I am considering keeping my trusty pickup once its paid for in a few months and buying an additional car for fun. The Ford Shelby GT500 is a leading contender. This car looks mean and is bad fast not to mention that it appeals to my old school sensibilities. Its a throw back and reminds me of those great old Mach 1 Mustangs from the 70s. Here is the latests version, just imagine it in black with white racing stripes.

I am also considering my first Cadillac. This car appeals to me because its sporty, and would be comfortable on long trips. The amenities are top notch and I've always wanted to own a Cadillac, just once in my life. Imagine the model pictured below in Black.

Finally, I could simply go with a new truck, and sell the old one. I am not sure what I think about the new 2009 Ford Lariats. Here is a picture of one

and a picture of the interior, which I think is pretty kick ass.

There is an added bonus to option 3 and that is I'll have more money for one of these..

I've researched boats for the past year and this is the one that I am buying. It's something my Dad and Brother and I can fish from, it has a cover for KJ and my fairer friends. Its perfect for the WHUclan when the boys are older. Sparx and WHU and I have enough room for a poker table and a wet bar and finally its an updated version of my grandfather's boat on which I spent every summer as a kid. Its perfect and I can't wait to get it ordered. I'll let yall know what I decide car wise, I'm sure that you're all just RIVETED!
1 comment:
I cast my vote for the new Ford Truck and the boat.
Save the Mustang for your mid-life crisis and the Cadillac for early retirement.
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