Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Professing Stand Up In the Light of Legal History

I have long considered the possibility of using my Juris Doctrate for something other than law. Well that’s not entirely accurate, something in addition to law. It seems that I have the opportunity to do something I’ve long dreamed of, teach part time at the University from which I graduated. I have looked into it, would be hired if I applied and I think I would enjoy it. I know I’d be good at it simply because I’ve done a few variants of it in the past, but nothing like this, where my name would be in the Catalog. I’d never be as good at it as my friend WHU, nor would I be as cerebral as my friend Sparx ( I use their nicknames so as to protect their real identities. The statutes of limitations have yet to run on a few things), but I think I could hold my own, and I think I would have fun. I don’t yet know what subject I would teach, but I think I could have fun with the course descriptions.. A few come to mind:

* “I did not have sex with that woman“ A study of Perjury and Impeachment. (A few Lecture titles would be: “Hummer in the Blue Dress, a study of DNA in the face, (or almost in the mouth) of denial”; “It Is What It Is, A Study of what Is actually Is”; “The Starr of the Show, An Independent Counsel Out of Control” and finally “The Good Cigar, A Study of the Vaginal Perversion of Cuban Tobacco.”)

*”The Wide (Right) Stance.. A study of the “Accidental” Homosexual” (A few Lecture Titles would be: “ The 24 Hour News Cycle: The Consequences of a Stupid Plea”; “Deny, Deny, Deny: Never Overestimate the Intelligence of the American People, or the Senate.”; and finally “Don’t You Know Who I Am? The Folly of the Powerful and Deluded”).

* “ Rhyme, Not Reason.. A Study of the OJ Simpson Trial” (A few lecture titles would be “Gloves and Acquittal, if you can rap, you can defend“; “What the Fruck did he say? The Confusing Cross Examination of Henry Lee“; and finally “ The McDonald’s Getaway, the use of Fast Food as an Alibi).

I will let you all know what I decide to do when the time comes, I have several months to consider the opportunity. I hope all is well with all of you and that you’ll consider coming down to the college to take a class with Professor Trialdawg.


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