Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Conversation today...

AS: Are you Jason?

Me: Yep.

AS: I've heard of you, you represented ******* ******* right?

Me: Yep.

AS: Yeah, I saw you on TV after that, how did you get him off?

Me: If I told you, I'd have to kill you.

AS: *Laughing* Are you taking on new clients?

Me: Sure

AS: I'd like to hire you for my jury trial in June.

Me: Why do you think you need me instead of the lawyer you have now?

AS: Because you win.

Despite my unassuming personality, there are times like these when I internally celebrate what KJ and I have created. Yes, we are that good, yes we win, ALOT and we do it through hard work and talent. It is a seldom thing that we stop. If you are a prosecutor, proceed with caution and if you are police officer, be very afraid. She and I will find a way to beat you. Run scared you bastards! We are your worst nightmare. In short, we win.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

To Honor A Friend

I am writing a brief which, as always, is based on the Constitution of The United States. Thanks to one of my best friends, I got a chance to see the Constitution of The United States and the Bill of Rights again. He drove me around to places I haven't seen in 20 years and he waited outside, in cold rain, for 20 minutes, just so I could go into the National Archives and see those great documents. In short, thank you just isn't enough for what he did for me. It sent a shiver down my spine to read the Fourth Amendment in the ink from, and the handwriting of our founders. Our Fourth Amendment in our Bill of Rights reads as follows:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

It is very rare that I get to read the original text that has bought and paid for everything that KJ and I own. If it weren't for these words, I wouldn't have a profession. These words represent my professional passion. I was put on this earth to rise above politics, crises, and terrible crimes to protect these very words for the benefit of all the people of these United States.

I've thought long and hard about how to honor my friend who took me back to a place where I find the ultimate inspiration and to thank him for what he did. This blog just isn't big enough, so I've written the following in the best brief I've ever written and which I expect will reach the highest of Courts..

"It is far too easy to think that our Constitution no longer exists in the face of the law Legislators and Judges have created to kill it. The chief offender is the Patriot Act(citation omitted). Thanks to a friend, who waited in the rain, I am proud to report that the Constitution is alive and well despite the best efforts of the powers that be (45)."

Footnote 45 Simply reads. Thanks MCR.

Thanks old friend, I'll never forget that rainy Sunday in Washington DC.

Monday, May 12, 2008

From The Rain There Shall Be Light

Author's Note: I wrote this blog early this morning before I left Maryland. Because of the rain, I couldn't post it until now. Even though this blog is a few hours late, the sentiment remains the same.

Too many times in my life, I’ve taken for granted that I am unique in the sense that I am in a far different place than my best friends, for better or worse. Each of us live in different places and deal with different things on a daily basis. We were all supposed to be together this weekend, but only two of us made it. I was disappointed beyond words because I told myself that the missing friend needed this weekend. Truth be told, I needed it far worse than either of the other two. I have been through a two and half year healing process which will end when the planes wheels touch Texas soil in just over 12 hours. I finally understand what I couldn’t over two years ago and that will be so good for my marriage. As for my friends, I have to thank them both, for very different reasons.. They taught me that even though we are in different locations, we are in the very same place.

From Somewhere In A Very Rainy Maryland…

A Very Whole Trialdawg 1:37 AM EST.

Monday, May 5, 2008

And Today Isn't Even My Birthday...

Oh wait, it IS my birthday. Yes indeed, I am 37 years old today. It has been a great one and the week just gets better. After a few more days, me and my best friend go to Maryland to see our equally best friend. Life just couldn't be better at the moment. I'll be posting some pictures of the more "family friendly moments" on this thing when I get back. To those that have sent me birthday wishes, they are much appreciated. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find four more aces to put up my sleeve, I plan to be the Texoma Troubedour that comes out on top of our poker playing..

Trialdawg aka Catfish.